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executive agency中文是什么意思

用"executive agency"造句"executive agency"怎么读"executive agency" in a sentence"executive agency"的同义词


  • 英国政府行政
  • 执行部门


  • And then , we argue that basic divergence does exist in both laws and the social security law is not a sub - category of economic law system through the close examination of legislative idea , regulating object , value orientation , basic principles , executive agencies and implementing procedures
用"executive agency"造句  


  • an agency of the executive branch of government


An executive agency, also known as a next-steps agency, is a part of a government department that is treated as managerially and budgetarily separate in order to carry out some part of the executive functions of the United Kingdom government, Scottish Government, Welsh Assembly or Northern Ireland Executive. Executive agencies are "machinery of government" devices distinct both from non-ministerial government departments and non-departmental public bodies (or "quangos"), each of which enjoy a real legal and constitutional separation from ministerial control.
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